I am asking for help with gifts for my three littles. My youngest was born at the beginning of Covid. Our family of 6 made it through shutdowns, reduced hours, inflation, a house fire and a recent huge spike in our rent without asking for assistance. However, as you can imagine, my savings are drained and we are struggling.
My adult daughter found this site and encouraged me to post. Any help whatsoever is appreciated and will help me make sure the kids have a great Christmas.
For privacy purposes (this is a post visible to anyone on the internet), I am using their Initials:
MP - 6 year old girl - loves to color, draw, dress up and playing with Barbie
DP - 4 year old girl - loves to color, sing and playing with Moana & Encanto (the dog ate her favorite Moana doll last week)
LP - 2 year old boy - Loves to draw and play with Legos & anything dinosaur or car related.
The wishlist I created includes items each of them want and/or I know they love. There are items that they can all share as well!
They are amazing kids who don't ask for much and that I have thankfully been able to keep away from electronics for the most part.
Again - anything is appreciated. Merry Christmas!