(I can't get the pictures to upload so I'll type them out here)
From Bryce (11)
Dear Santa,
I think I have been pretty good this year. I even do chores without being asked now. Here is my Christmas list this year:
A marble run toy with extra marbles
The Minecraft card game
A Hotwheels track
Walkie Talkies to play with my sister
Tell the reindeer I say hi!
From, Bryce McBrian
Here is his list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/23LB8APPAD04J?ref_=wl_share
From Kaylee (8)
Dear Santa,
How are you? I am excited for Christmas. I have been really really good this year. This is my list:
A bike with a bell and training wheels
A slumber party doll
Little Live Pets
Beyblades and a new Beyblade set
I love you santa!
Love, Kaylee McBrian
Here is her list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/15CDT0T68XE7K?ref_=wl_share