i beven raising my grand child since hes been 2 months old and now hes 4. most kids ask for several thingsng too understand lifes struggles but maddox only ask for a MEGA MEGLIDON MONSTER TRUCK. thats all he ever wanted.he is the best child and very loving my life is consumed with trying too make this baby happy.but times have been really hard on me im 54 and maddox is 4. all we have is each other and sometimes thats not enough for me, cause he deserves alot more. i know hes too young to know about lifes struggles but considering the curcumstances on how i optain custudy of him. he derves all the blessings in the world,. I WAS ALSO RAISING HIS BaBY BROTHER he past away at the age of 3 months of sids.his name is baylor owen. i have pics of both i would love to share.the second pic is baylor we called him bay bay. hes the one who passed. the first one is maddox Lee on the left and his brother on the right, legand is his brothers name he stays with his grandmaw also.. maddox is the one ive been rtaising and thats me in the middle. maddox loves monster trucks and the mega maglidon monster truck is his fav and thats all he sid he wanted from santa hes such a awesomel lil man.
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