Hello my name is Liset and i am part time nurse. I had trouble uploading letters to santa. I have 3 boys ages are 19,14, and 11(born on christmas day), I also have an 8 year old daughter. They have not been perfect this year. They have struggled in school due to their ADHD and as siblings they fight about who ate the last poptart 😂 but every day they get up and they try. Because they are all of different ages its not always easy to have them do activities together but CHRISTMAS is special. This year we have decided to give forward by donating gifts and volunteering in giving out meals because it is important for my children to see they joy in giving. The kids made a list on amazon of ideas of things they would like in hope that SANTA will look at their list and forgive some of their not so perfect behavior. Thankyou and merry christmas 🤣