Hello, im my sisters middle brother Colton, our oldest brother (26) is in the military posted in the UK, and expecting his first baby, im 24, and just bought my first house up in Missouri, so we both cant help much but we got our sister (23) and her kids (3 and 4) 1 item each but we want to surprise them because she really thinks Christmas is out the window, she lost that spark and doesn't even act like our bratty sister that i always was annoyed with because she's been through a lot.
our little sister is in Oklahoma and she went through hell with her Husband, she escaped to the shelter and ended up getting a roomate whom she's staying with but is still really scared to go out and get a "real" job as our mom so delicately puts it but she babysits and also does doordasher, but between taking care of her girls needs, putting food on the table, and bills is doesn't leave much for herself and Christmas. my mom is letting me use their shared amazon for me to pick some stuff of her Wishlist's to slap together, im putting 2 gifts each for her girls and maybe one they can share, and 1 gift for my sister if that's Ok (my sisters is headphones so there's a gift card fund me and my brother can pitch in every payday till Christmas)
im sorry for the whole backstory, but if anyone has siblings you know how much you want to protect your family, i was a state away and didn't know, so this is my way of trying to do something to show her ill always look out for her
its a small list i hope its not to much to ask
its to my moms address

here's the last Christmas we had together with all of us kids at our moms. 😆