Please know, you are appreciated and loved! I am struggling to keep food on the table let a lone buying any gifts they want, but I am still grateful and you are loved. Hello, and a very beautiful day to you all. This is Ariana and Albert's mom writing this post. Though I know it may be late in the time frame of writing to Santa or his helpers here this Christmas. It was difficult to admit I wont be able to purchase any gifts this year for my kiddos, I have always found a way to make sure they have under the tree. I do understand Christmas is a season for many things other than gifts, I also have made it a tradition that they have things waiting for them under tree every year. I just started back working after my daughters cancer diagnosis October of last year, a year of not being able to work builds a lot of debt and past dues. I have been trying to just catch up to keep up. Ariana and Albert deserve the world from me, I am asking for help to give them a piece of joy when they wake up Christmas Day. Honeslty, and myself as I am not sure how to sit and watch though they know I am unabel to purchase gifts this year, as they see an empty tree. There lists have been added below from the amazon. Ariana is 11, going on 12 and Albert is 9 going on 10. They each have put things they wish for on their own lists.
Arianas Wish List
Alberts Wish List

Christmas Miracles!