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Ariana and Albert
Dec 03, 2023
In Letters with Amazon Wishlists
Please know, you are appreciated and loved! I am struggling to keep food on the table let a lone buying any gifts they want, but I am still grateful and you are loved. Hello, and a very beautiful day to you all. This is Ariana and Albert's mom writing this post. Though I know it may be late in the time frame of writing to Santa or his helpers here this Christmas. It was difficult to admit I wont be able to purchase any gifts this year for my kiddos, I have always found a way to make sure they have under the tree. I do understand Christmas is a season for many things other than gifts, I also have made it a tradition that they have things waiting for them under tree every year. I just started back working after my daughters cancer diagnosis October of last year, a year of not being able to work builds a lot of debt and past dues. I have been trying to just catch up to keep up. Ariana and Albert deserve the world from me, I am asking for help to give them a piece of joy when they wake up Christmas Day. Honeslty, and myself as I am not sure how to sit and watch though they know I am unabel to purchase gifts this year, as they see an empty tree. There lists have been added below from the amazon. Ariana is 11, going on 12 and Albert is 9 going on 10. They each have put things they wish for on their own lists. Arianas Wish List Alberts Wish List
Struggling mom of 2,
Ariana and Albert Christmas Miracle
Florida City, Florida
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